Tag: spain

ƚooʜɒʞ ʜꙅiᴎiɒqꙅ ʏM

Hello everyone, welcome to my blog.
In today’s blog i will be showing my kahoot. This term we have been learning about culture diversity, the study of different country’s.
We had to pick a country and create a presentation about the country of our study. After I finished my presentation, I had to create a kahoot about my country which was Spain. I had to make 15 questions about Spain and getting the questions from my presentation, for example what is the population of Spain or who is the king of Spain. So I started creating my kahoot about Spain, adding questions, trick questions,
and photos.
Thank you for reading my blog.
If you want to try my kahoot heres the link : https://play.kahoot.it/v2/?quizId=6c6816ba-b760-4a80-ac4c-fd398b0e7f8d