Kia ora bloggers, This week two of our classes went to goat island to snorkel and find different types of fishes, rocks, and seaweed. We also had to explore around there. First we split into to two even groups, then lined up inside our school hall waiting for the bus. Then the bus finally arrived right in front of our school. The first group went inside the bus then the second group followed behind. It was really boring and hot until people in the bus were singing songs and I turned on the air con.
After, some people fell asleep but it was still loud because of the people singing. It was a two and a half hour ride with people snoring and yelling. An hour later and there were people still singing well I was trying to sleep but I didn’t so I just sang along. Then We finally saw a sign that said Goat Island on it.
Everyone woke up then heard people screaming because they saw the sign. It took another 20 minutes then We finally got there. The bus driver parked the bus then everyone ran and jumped out. The first group had to put on their togs then go to one of the leaders and get a swimsuit. But the second group had to stay behind and explore around there like looking at different types of trees.
I was in the second group, My group followed the leader down to the bush filled with lots and lots of different trees. I nearly tripped over a log but luckily My friend behind me quickly catches me. Then We finally made it to a flat surface of mud with bugs and birds. Our leader was telling us about the trees and about the stream. After she finished telling us about the trees and the stream We went down a deep hill with some of us nearly slipping.
We saw the stream filled with rubbish and sticks, one of our students were trying to be funny but almost fell into the water so he had to go stand net to the teacher. So we started to keep following the leader and she led us to this place with long pieces of grass and lots of dead trees. We took a break sitting on this blue mat and the leader talking to us about this thing and it’s something about how far you could see in water.
My group had to get onto a line and see how far you could see under water with this black thing with water inside. After that, The leader said if we wanted to go back through the way we came from but everyone said it was too tight and small for everyone to go back so the leader said there was another way and it was that we had to run up a mountain with the long grass.
We all had a race and everyone was tackling each other but they didn’t see me so I was still running and I got up there first. I was just sitting there cause I was tired but until the second person finally made it up and sat next to me and waited for everyone else to come. ten seconds later everyone made it up.
My group made it back where all of our bags were and the teacher said we get to have morning tea so we sat down and ate. After that We got ready waiting for the other group to come back. So we went to get change in the changing room then got back to get our fins. After We got our fins we went to go get our swimsuit and our goggles.
Then the first group got back from snorkeling. The second group then split into to three groups and my group was Me Princeton and Abdul. Everyone also had an adult. We walked down the steps to the sand and then saw the blue beautiful shiny water. One of the leaders was telling us how to get in the water safely because we had our fins on.
The leader then said to take of our goggles and and hold it up so he could come put some toothpaste on it. He finished doing that to everyone’s goggles so then We all turned around and walked in the water slowly. Me and Princeton fell over and started to swim. Our leader gave us a yellow board to hold on and swim. Everyone was swimming very slowly but Me and my group was swimming more faster then them.
Still following Kate, our adult said to me and my partner to go under the water with our snorkels then come back up and blow for he water to come out. But first we told him to try it to give us an example of how to get under cause me and my partner tried really hard to get under the water but we couldn’t. We kept trying but we couldn’t do it so we just let go of the board and started to swim anywhere with our adult.
There were massive waves pushing me and my buddy back so Kate told everyone to head back. Me and my buddy prince still kept trying to get under the water but the fins were just to heavy. So we made it back to shore and took of our fins and our snorkels, we walked backwards to get out of the water and all stood together for a photo. After the photo we walked back up the stairs to where everyone was.
We made it back up and we took of our swim suit and our snorkel to wash it in a bucket, soap was in one bucket in water was in the other. After that we got our bags and went in the changing room to get changed. We finished changing and went back under the tent for lunch, I ate one of the lunches that the teacher came with and finished it.
So we finished eating then the bus came back to pick us up and we all walked in with the teachers counting student by student to check count how many students there were. It felt very nice just sitting in the bus playing board games like shadow box and other games. I was sitting next to Princeton and he looked so tired and other students in the bus but I was not tired. I was just staring out the window see people waving at me and me waving back. There was only a little bit of students singing because most of them were sleeping but I was just humming and singing quiet with Princeton and playing try not to laugh.
Me and Princeton was still playing try not to laugh and one other student that were sitting next to us asked if they could play so we all played it. One of the other students was laughing so hard that Princeton also laughed and they had to do rock paper scissors for who would make us laugh. They played it and Sam won so Princeton had to make us laugh now. He did a funny face and looked at me which nearly made me laugh and I tried to hold it but i couldn’t. Then it was my turn to make them laugh I didn’t know what to do but I did this thing that Princeton always uses to make me and Sam laugh in class. I did it right in front of his face and he laughed so hard that Sam laughed as well.
We saw a sign which we normally see around near our school and everyone was shouting but some students were still sleeping. We made it of the motorway and then the students that were sleeping finally woke up and looked at everyone confused. The students told the people sleeping that we were nearly there back to our school and they sat up looking out of the window. The bus driver turned left and there was our school everyone was shouting and but school was already finished they didn’t know until they saw the time on the bus. The bus driver parked the bus and everyone jumped out saying thank you to the bus driver and the teachers counting how many students there were again then everyone went home.
What I found challenging was trying to dive underwater and I enjoyed looking at sea creatures.